Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Typhoon #2

I have since learned that "Big Wind" isn't completely accurate. There is a sort of a negative connotation, like too big, or too much. Just a little FYI.

I spent the whole day hungover, which wasn't really so bad because this typoon was a lot bigger than the other one, and it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to leave the house even if I hadn't been hungover. I had planned ahead though, and had checked out some books from the library. I got two books in Chinese, one was a kids book on a specific national park somewhere. It was pretty good because it would have a paragraph in English for each Chinese paragraph, so I could compare notes. The other was a great big picture book on the mountain ranges of Taiwan, which had a lot of good information, and also very beautiful pictures. I also got one English book, which was deffinetely a mistake, and is detrimental to my Chinese. I got "Catch 22", and read that for most of the day. It really is a funny book, and I was glad I had something to read that didn't take too much mental effort.

I'm seriously thinking about not going out to much anymore. Plenty of people think that when they're hungover, but I have another good reason. Good, traditional Taiwanese people don't go out and drink, in the same way that regular American people do. There were a whole lot of foreigners at the club last night, and the people that weren't foreigners were pretty westernized, and certainly dressed like western people dress. I think 'going native' is a worthy aspiration, and it would certainly help my Chinese, and if I'm truly going to 'go native' I'm going to drink less. Another big reason is how much money I could save. Lots of people work so that they can have money to spend on going out and having fun. I've already done the work, and now I just want to save they money. By saving money, I think I could be a lot more comfortable when I leave Taiwan and stop having a 'Taiwanese Voyage', and start having a real 'Asian Voyage'.

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