Thursday, September 13, 2007


I was surprised during the flight, there was never a sunset. We just kept chasing the sun around the world, until I got to Taiwan, and the sun finally pulled ahead. I got in at about seven, and the sun was already down. Jerry picked me up at the airport, right on time. I had slept on the plane, so I wasn't too tired, which was good, because I didn't end up getting to sleep until midnight. Jerry took me out to a street vendor and we got some food. They just have baskets of food. You pick out which ones you want, then they deep fry them in a sort of water-soy sauce-grease concoction, which they also use as a sauce. I picked tofu block, mushroom stalk, and another kind of tofu that was seasoned more, and shaped in little blobs. It was all quite good. Jerry also got me a sort of Taiwanese burrito. The "tortilla" was a lot thinner, and probably made from rice. Inside there were green bean sprouts, rice, some other stuff, and the think I tasted most, peanut powder. Jerry got duck blood and stinky tofu. I tried both, but don't think I will be eating them again. The duck blood, was a dark brown, and came in soft and floppy cubes. It also tasted the way you think poop would taste. It didn't just taste bad, it really tasted like poop smells. The stinky tofu just didn't smell very good, and it tasted the way it smelled. In the future I would choose stinky tofu over duck blood, but neither were very appetizing. We took all this food home (he lives with his mother and father and brother), and while we were eating he, his mother, and I discussed how we would get done all of the things I needed to get done. Pretty much the consensus was that Jerry's mom would take me under her wing, and help me get everything sorted out. After dinner I showered, and Jerry showed me some climbing videos from the Asia cup. Then I almost made it to bed, but his family asked it I had ever played Nintendo Wii before, which indeed I hadn't. Jerry and his brother could speak english, so they taught me how to bowl, while his parents watched, and offered vague encouragement with a lot of smiling and nodding. Then I slept.


Unknown said...

I got a good laugh out of the pooh smells. Glad to hear that your trip was safe. I didn't realize how much I will miss your presence until I started reading your blog. I went on a sweet Backpacking trip this weekend up to Ice lake. We noosed a small ground squirrel using a bent over sapling tree.

Unknown said...

ps apparently Zev = Peter.

Me said...

what did you with the ground squirrel after you noosed it?